Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Happy Independence Day!

As we celebrate Independence Day it is worth our while to reflect on that word. When our forefathers penned the Declaration, among the very first words they wrote were of what responsibilities they were assuming.

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them..."

"And to assume the powers" being the phrase of my present interest. The authors not only threw off the shackles of an oppressive government, but they assumed the responsibility of acting on their own behalf. To be independent and therefore to do for one's selves.

There are many reasons to practice a martial art: Fitness, Mind-body unification, "Enlightenment", etc. There is also self-defense. But this reason is deeper than just being able to boot people in the head. {editorial - look up 'Tae Kwon Leap', it's a hoot :) }. Learning self-defense is an act of independence. Through martial arts we learn the skills to carry ourselves in this world. To protect our own person, the ones we love, and at our best, even a stranger in need. This is a power and responsibility we assume such that we need not oblige others out of some forced charity. We therefore expect nothing of others that we would not do for ourselves. We offer to society that we are willing and able to help be a force for good in exchange for the promise that others will stand by our side on our good days and in harm's way when our own capacity falters.

To truly celebrate independence we must endeavor to be capable. We need not be the strongest, but we should all be our strongest selves.

#aikido #MindBodySpirit #martialarts #aikidokokikai #kokikai #dojo #selfimprovement #selfdefense #indepenceday #independent #independence


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